Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Looks like he'll be a summer baby

Two days past my due date and... not even close to going into labor. The doctor keeps asking me if I've had any contractions and I always have to say "I don't know" or " I don't think so." But I'm pretty sure the correct answer is "No" because I'm not dilated at all. So, I went again to the doctor yesterday and ended up with an appointment to get induced on Monday morning, June 23. I asked what the chances of me going into labor on my own before that are, and basically got the answer, "well, anything's possible, but... slim, really."

The nice thing about all of this is that I have a few extra days to prepare, and I get to plan for it easily. I don't have to scramble around at the last minute getting the last necessary items for my bag. I can just pack everything on Sunday night, almost like I'm going on a vacation. (I can't believe I just compared having a baby to going on vacation. Sorry, all you mothers reading this!)

The funniest part about this is that I think Ross is more annoyed than I am that I haven't gone into labor yet. Although I am looking forward to normal weight, clothes, exercise, caffeine, etc., I have plenty of things to do before the baby's born at work and at home, so I can wait a few extra days.

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