I thought this drawing captured quite well the looks that have been plastered on Ross' and my faces at various points throughout the last two and a half weeks. It's been a hard couple of weeks since Chase's birth. He's pretty colicky, which basically just means that he cries for a few hours every evening (and sometimes during the day, too) for no apparent reason. Every day is a new experiment in comforting him or getting him to sleep. So far we've found that he likes car rides, the sound of the clothes dryer, a "sleep sheep" that makes nature sounds, and nursing. Other than that, we are experimenting with nighttime baths, the baby swing, the front pack carrier, and a pacifier. All of these things work some of the time and not others. At least we know colic usually only lasts for a couple of months...
Chase and I both had doctor's appointments this week. Chase went in for his first pediatrician appointment. He has grown about a quarter of an inch, and is back up to his birth weight, plus a couple of ounces. Everything looks to be good with him. He's eating constantly so he should be a tubby in just a little while (ok, probably not. He's really skinny.)
My doctor's appointment was about my leg. Now it's not only numb, but it's starting to hurt A LOT. My doctor thinks the pain is probably a good sign that the nerves are healing, but he's not sure. So, he gave me a referral to a neurologist, who I am going to see next week. Who would've thought that the worst thing about the few weeks after the baby came would be a painful leg? The good news about my doctor's appointment was that they made me weigh myself, which I told myself I wouldn't do for a few more weeks, and I've already lost 28 lbs.! I was actually surprised. Looks like I have about 10 more to go. But I'm in no rush.
Once again I have to say how great Ross is with Chase. He's a great dad, and it helps so much that he offers to take Chase when I need a break. He is so tired, and I feel bad because he is back in school five days a week and at work four days a week. I even had to buy him some Visine earlier this week because his eyes are so red from lack of sleep.
And with that, I hear Chase crying again. More pics to come soon!
oh rachel sounds like you have your hands full. Someone had suggested a book for one of my other friends who had a daughter that was colic and she suggested a book called the happiest baby on the block. I have no idea what is in it, but just thought i would pass the word along :) I sure hope your leg gets better!
We're going to send you Colic Calm. Ask your doctor if it's okay...but it's basically this homeopathic mixture of happiness. We love you!!!
Oh, I am so sorry about the colic! I hear it's just awful! Hey, by the way, I started a Mommies blog a couple of months ago, where just a group of moms post questions and give you advice and answers. You are more than welcome to join - just do a post. The site is www.answersformommies.blogspot.com. Good luck!
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