Billie (Ross' mom) got Chase this jumper because he loves to stand up on our laps. So far he really likes it, but he's obviously so small in it. It's hilarious! Isn't more than just his head supposed to peek over the top? (Check out the picture below!)
I think chewing her raw hide bone for an hour wiped Maggie out. But she's not giving it up to anyone!
I love that ross strapped him to himself to play rock band lol. Chase's eyes are always so big! By the way I still need to call on the footprints. Life is just crazy :)
Chase is A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.!!! Ross is hilarious! And I hope all of you are well!
Okay, the up-close picture of Chase in the jumper is my new screen-saver. Every time my students see it they can't help but smile or laugh! Yep! My grandson is absolutely the most adorable baby in the universe!
just to stick up for Ross, that's the idea I would get! Hahaha! Chase is awesome! Loved his face!
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