We didn't really celebrate Halloween with costumes, but we did carve our pumpkin. If you can't tell, it's an upside down bat.
The Spitter: Chase is growing so fast! Some of the things he's doing are hilarious, while others make life a little difficult. As you can see from the video, spitting for no reason is one of his new favorites. He also loves to play with his toes, "fake" cough, pet Maggie, and make weird surprise noises. He had his 4-month appointment last week, and he's almost 13 lbs! (Finally back up to the 10th percentile or so; the doctor's happy.) However, he also can roll from back to front very easily - IN HIS SWADDLER! So we hear him crying after a nap or in the middle of the night, and he's totally rolled over. But the problem is that he absolutely won't fall asleep without being tightly swaddled, in a special swaddle blanket with velcro. On top of all of this, I think he's going through a growth spurt. For a kid who's been sleeping through the night since 6 weeks old, this seems like a huge set-back for us. I have been so tired this week, as has Ross. Chase has been waking up to feed or because he's rolled over anywhere between one and SEVEN times per night. (Actually I think the night of seven times was when we tried to get him to sleep un-swaddled.) When will it end?!?!? All in all, it's great to see him laugh and entertain himself for at least a little while.